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Community Resources

Find essential immigration and Know Your Rights resources on our Rapid Response Resource page. Get the latest legal information and support.

Find essential immigration and Know Your Rights resources.

Due to the political climate we are in, SOMOS Mayfair knows that in these times the powers that be are seeking to divide us, instill fear, and make us question our power and belonging, but we also know that our movement is greater than this moment. For centuries, our gente have endured and resisted injustice and oppression, always finding ways to survive, protect one another, and build something beautiful rooted in love. SOMOS is committed to continuing this legacy by creating a political home where families in East San José can thrive—living, playing, learning, and growing with collective power, self-determination, Brown Culture, and well-being at the center. Our survival depends on staying connected, rebellious, and resisting fear’s isolating force. This page will be used for Community Voice to share essential resources for our immigrant community.

Rapid Response Network

The Rapid Response Network (RRN) in Santa Clara County is a community defense project developed to protect immigrant families from deportation threats and to provide accompaniment support during and after a community member’s arrest or detention.

Anyone can call the 24/7 HOTLINE (408) 290-1144 to report ICE activity in our county and receive help in real time!

Know Your Rights Red Card


Legal Immigration Resources/Recursos Legales de Inmigración

Domestic Violence/Violencia Domestica


Mental Health/Salud Mental



Resources for People Detained/Recursos para personas detenidas

Family safety plan/Plan de seguridad familiar